Children & Young People

Children and young people are encouraged to be involved in all aspects of life at St George’s. We have a group of junior servers who contribute to the 10.00 am service. Children are welcome to receive Holy Communion at St George’s and groups for children aged 5+ run each year to prepare them for this. Young people join confirmation discussion groups once they are 13+. In addition there are various groups and activities for young people: We have George’s Dragon Slayers for younger children. Older children from Year 5 and upwards are part of the Pizza Club.

All Age Family Worship

On the first Sunday of the month our all age communion service involves the children with songs, stories and games.

George’s Young Singers

George’s Young SIngers gather at 9:50am to prepare music for our all-age worship on the first service of the month,

Children’s Area

The carpeted area with toys and drawing equipment at the back of church is available before and during the 10:00am Holy Communion service, for pre-school children to use with their accompanying adults.